Friday, January 16, 2009

The Scars of Beauty

in mythology there are certain themes and symbolism carried throughout each story. one such example of this is how men’s transition from their youth to manhood is symbolically represented by a physical scar attained by combat or some battle they have victoriously fought. the scar exemplifies courage and heroism and marks the loss of innocence.

a man’s battle scars are not seen by society as ugly nor are they to be concealed, but worn proudly as a badge of honor.

yet for women, the scars that signify their evolution from child to woman are considered unsightly and something that should be hidden, removed, cropped, erased, photo shopped and deleted.

so we chose to do something different. the stretch marks on these photos were left there, not because we didn’t know how to use photo shop, but on purpose because we felt it was time for women to learn to honor themselves and all that they are. it is time women redefine what is beautiful and nothing is more beautiful than the scars left behind by creating and giving life.

a woman’s stretch marks are her scars of battle and should be revered and honored as representing the epitome of selflessness and sacrifice women give throughout their pregnancies, labor, childbirth and motherhood.


Blogger Labels: mythology,symbolism,example,transition,youth,courage,heroism, marks,innocence,badge,evolution,woman,purpose,life,epitome, themes,photos,women

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a guy I agree with this. The mother of my children gained pretty rough stretch marks from the birth of our children and she is very insecure about them.

They have never grossed me out or bothered me and I told her she should not worry about them because they are battle scars.

I will email this article to her.